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Education Level Backround, Students’ English Learning Achievement, Influence of Parents’Abstrak
Therefore, it will influence students’ learning achievement in school. The purpose of the study were to : Find out the category of parents education level background of student’s at 7th grade of students of MTs Darul Huda in the academic year 2015/2016., Find out the students’ English learning achievement at 7th grade of students of MTs Darul Huda in the academic year 2015/2016., Find out if there is positive and significant influence of parent s’ education level background to the student s’ English learning achievement at 7th grade of students of MTs Darul Huda in the academic year 2015/2016. Research Method, the method use Quantitative and The research design in this study were calculated statistically by Corralation Regression and one predictor analysis. The data were collected through Test and questionnaire., The population of this study were conducted by parent’s and student’s of seventh grade of MTs Darul Huda in the academic year o f 2015/2016. The study showed that : Parent s’ education level background of the seventh grade students of MTs Darul Huda in the academic year 2015/2016 was considered medium category. It could be seen from the average value of parents’ education level background was 57., The average value of students’ achievement in English learning was 75. So, the English learning achievement of the seventh grade students of MTs Darul Huda in the academic year 2015/2016 was considered good category., In this research, it was found that there was significant correlation and significant influence between parents’ education level background and students’ English learning achievement. It could be seen from correlation result that the rcount 0, 574 and Freg 18,663. However this correlation and the influence were low, which points to other factors influence the student’s English learning achievement. The result is any significant and positifve influence between of parent’s education level background to the students English learning achievement.
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